I am Dr Ray Divakar, president of Ray Guard Green Revolution Foudation. My duties in our foudantion include but aren't limited to parliamentarian, social media, technology, grants, communications, meetings, and literally anything concerning our foundation ativities worldwide.
I am responsible for establishing an efficient and effective infrastructure that enables our foudantion to provide welbeing for a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the worldwide population and the execution of functions and heightens professionalism of the foundation’s operations.
As president, I am fully involved in the different platforms that our foundation’s can genarate funds of acomplishement o four objetives help all nations to give dignity to their citizens.
My mission as the president of Ray Guard Greeen Revoltion Foundation is to embody the foundation’s vision, mission, and values. We create a network with leaders of all nations and local communities to develop iguality in our Planet Earth.
The foundation’s investments are managed by professionals allowing us to assist as much citizens we can worldwide